International Olympic Truce Centre
“To promote the Olympic ideals and the Olympic Truce by mobilizing the youth of the world in the prevention and resolution of tension through sport”
Specifically, the Centre’s mission is to promote the Olympic ideals, having as its purpose to serve peace, friendship, solidarity and international understanding, and in particular, to promote the ancient Greek tradition of ‘Ekecheiria’ or ‘Truce’ – with a symbolic dimension, calling for all hostilities to cease during the Olympic Games and beyond the period of the Olympic Games – by helping to mobilise the youth of the world in the prevention and resolution of tension through sport, culture and the Olympic ideals, and the promotion of peace generally.
“To commit youth to a Culture of Peace through sport”
The IOTC puts most of its emphasis in educating youth using sport as a valuable tool to promote and instill its values, so that the Olympic Ideals can take root and flourish. It is the use of sport as a tool that can instill the Olympic Values and the Olympic Truce, helping the young generation to gradually build a Culture of Peace. A Culture of Peace sustains the peaceful coexistence of humans, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or opinion.